Wednesday, September 4, 2013

last week of term 3

kind of surreal... im almost ending my rgs journey. anw this week has been super exhausting...

monday: philo and eng papers. i pretty much failed english big time... had some issues with time management and i overshot the friggin summary by 30 words can u imagine and everyone who heard was like :O:O:O yea... then i was quite emo after the paper cuz like ENGLISH Y U DO THIS TO ME.. english has never been a prob in my acads... ok mb i really need to start reading books. but anw it was nice having friends around to comfort but then i got quite pissed off cuz i realized some people just prioritize studies FIRST over everything else. like is it so important to know if ur answer was correct that u neglect ur fren whos so upset... i know some ppl are not that comfortable with expressing c n c but yea.. idk was just super moody. ok yea then philo was just like heck care altho i studied quite a lot for it. sighpie. kind of regret studying so much for these two subjects when i wont even do much better than if i didnt. but i guess going into the examination knowing uve at least tried to put in some effort makes me feel better :)

okay then tuesday was like a mad rush for the chinese papers on wednesday. couldnt seem to find any motivation tho ... and i was super unproductive. never used to be like that. the day before the exam was always PRODUCTIVE like BOOMz. haiz so anw i fell asleep at 11.30 and woke up at 3.30 can u imagine. then studied till 4 plus... haiz

wednesday. 6 HOURS OF HELL. k not that bad but it was torture. paper 1 was 2 hours, paper 2 another 2 hours and i went for chinese tuition after that :O SOBS... quite sian of languages... its like if u dont have it u just dont doesnt matter how much u study. but ok everyone found the papers tough so all is fine. mmmm then i went for a nice "dinner" at 4.37 excuse me with jing jess lau tab maz and it was quite fun teehee good time to take a BREAK and not just burn out goodness. yea we talked about super weird stuff dem funny hehehe.

anyways someone in my school just passed on... it was sudden and i think it really made everyone stop and reflect on how unpredictable life is? i was just thinking about how tragic it would be if all of us just studied and studied and studied for the future that might not even be there and one day before we can even reach the future we just leave... what was all the suffering for? then again its not really suffering bbut the attitude which we face studying with and  it really isnt healthy... and just makes life so meaningless. wish i could let go.

yeaaaaa and exams will be over in just over 2 weeks FRIGGIN EXCITED i made my after eyas schedule ard ^^ very eggxited to start options and start exercising and ... studying for o lvls. realized that time FLIES like idk what and after eyas theres only 6 weeks to o lvls. HOW IS THAT EVEN ENOUGH. creepy :_( yup sigh. and its teachers' day tmr. first time not getting individualized presents :O oopsie.. but ive been too busy to think of stuff to give and buy them and i nida stop spending so much money ermagawd :O :O

ok yeaaa hope the last day of term 3 will end with a bang bang eggxited ^^