Tuesday, August 27, 2013

When i was young...

really really feel like being young all over again and maybe this time ill learn to appreciate sleep, freedom and time. was thinking about why we all cant seem to figure out who and what we really are like cuz as we grow up we are affected by what others think of us and how we are expected to behave and stuff. so i thought itd be quite interesting to go back and think how i was like in my childhood days HAHA.

i was a friggin cute little thing la xP ok i dont have much photos of my young self on my comp so just a few

anyways from the little bit that i can remember of myself plus what my parents tell me ....

1) I was mischievous and quite like naughty smart how to say. and i had quite a temper HAHHAA

once when we went to clarke quay where they sell the turkish ice cream then the dude tries to pretend to give u the icecream with his long stick but tricks you by making you like not get the ice cream? YEA so basically he was gonna trick me and cuz I WAS (still am) A SMART KID i watched other people getting tricked AND FIGURED A PLAN. when he held out the ice cream i just put my hands behind opened my hugeass mouth and started eating the icecream CAN YOU IMAGINE HAHAHAHAH so apparently the guy was quite shocked la. kuddos to me.  i think im more guai now but oh well once in a while i feel nasty and play tricks on others :P

2) i was ungrateful like nobody's business
there was once I fell down and was quite upset and started crying then my sister tried to pick me up and i hit her hand i stood up by myself. then once my k1 classmate gave me a chocolate and i started nosebleeding and i blamed that dude forever.  i guess im more grateful now hmmm quite generous with my thankyous

3) i was attention seeking and jealous of everything i still am whoop
if no one noticed me id put up a super big fuss and cry. that time we had a family photoshoot for my dads side. so my cousin whos 1 year younger cried cuz she was scared or idk what. then we were all like :O but anw she got a sweet! and guess who got jealous and cried and got a sweet. ME. hah. really quite smart as a kid hurh

4) i was super soreloser
i guess everything had to go my way and if people APPEASED (lol appeasement policy) you a few times ud expect it to be that way all the time right. so anw i was happily playing some game thing with my mum n sis and i lost. IMMEDIATELY my face turned black and i cried like crazy. thats friggin bipolar i cant even like one moment happy one moment angry hahaha. maybe its like childhood pms idk. still quite competitive at times but im ok with losing games ^^

5) i was anal and some organized freak who LOVED collecting stuff
so yea id pack and repack and repack things - my favourite pasttime with all that extra time i had lol. yea but i was organized but everything was cluttered kind of? so i had this MINI table to play my cashier games or what not (i had no table of my own so sad) and i had to put everything there.. like stationary, fake computer, notepad, fake money, cards wtv la so its neat but cluttered and everything collected dust. haha. and i loved to collect stickers, used envelopes, used hongbaos, nursery books (so i can read to my fishies and teach my softtoys AHAHAHA), what else.. ERASER DUST! coloured one smore hahah we were obsessed with making them.. so its like u colour the table or smthing then u erase and tadaa!! u get colour erase dust. but then u chop it up with ur ruler and grind and grind and grind till u get powder erase dust. not kidding i had like a few packs of coloured powder erase dust - was my pride and my joy hah. anw i cant get rid of my collecting stuff habit but yea my analness quite gone ard.

6) was possessive
dunno if its the correct word but like  i always wanted things TO BELONG TO ME. okay so i had no room to myself (i still dont) i had no bed to myself (we slept on mattresses while my maid slept on the bed LOL), i had no table to myself, no closet to myself. so basically just quite sad la. and i had hardly any clothes that were bought and meant for me. cuz all passed down la its like from my oldest cousin pas to next to next to next in the end i get it. then sometimes my sister will go shopping with my mum and get like 2 bagful of clothes NEW and id cry to myself (or out loud and complain) cuz id only get at most 1 piece or like not at all. quite upsetting. so ANW if u look at my closet now and take out all the clothes i bought for myself. theres like nothing left inside. people should start understanding why i actually like to shop - cuz if not ill be wearing 1 or 2 clothing over and over again. yea and i kept bugging my parents to let me have a table of my own.. and closet. ok now i have like some space in the mega room-length closet next door but its not entirely mine. (before that i had the closet of the doubledeckerbed staircase which was WAYYY to small okay yea) and i have a tiny pink table for myself. but as i said the neatness is gone so yea usually too cluttered and its in my room where my maid lives and by 10 i cant use the lights and study or she goes crazy. and i usually study from 10 onwards so like table = no table. POSSESSIVE i still am.

7) stressed
yea i was one big time mugger man no kidding. id get so stressed over TING XIE from like k1 ok. all the way to p6. yup. so in k1 we had mini ting xies and if u got everything correct u get a red star on ur hand. like pen drawing for a reward. it was REALLY important to get that star last time la. so ill keep practicing for ting xie and id cry cuz i couldnt get the words or wtv. 4 year old kid crying over tingxie for a pen mark sounds so ridiculous now SIGH. and anw things got bad in p6 i had 3 tingxies (1 for higher chinese 1 for normal chinese 1 for tuition) a week and like it was CHAO JI stressful cuz for class if you get full marks you add to your group's points. (yea points system was popular) and i was in a good class so quite a number of people got full marks. competitive me felt like it was my utmost duty and responsibility to get full marks or x(. haha so yea i practically spent my days mugging for tingxie so funny. but then eventually it wasnt too bad cuz i became PRO at tingxie. look for a while can gettit. okay so yea now im still some crazy anxious stressed kid but im trying to let it go!

8) i didnt actually love food
like when I was young i didnt actually get to eat snacks? like my house didnt have snacks and we coudlnt exactly buy snacks ourselves... and school was all about healthy food. so yea i didnt noe of the wonders of food and i ATE to LIVE . now i LIVE to EAT hah. thats why i was like quite bony and skinny last time. sighpie i need that back.

9) i wasnt image conscious
okay so i never thought i was pretty nor did i think i was ugly. basically i never really cared about how i looked. like i didnt spend much time on dressing up or wtv i was like like ok tshirt jeans and pull hair tight tight no layer hair no cutting hair into shapes just like YEA. be myself man. yup so i was quite comfortable in my own skin and i never really judged people based on their outward appearance. yea the tables have turned (okay slightly wrong usage but u understand what i mean). i am SOOO image conscious now like everyone around me is la. im concerned about what i wear, how heavy i weigh, issit a bad hair day bad picture day blabla. its SOOO TIRING but yea cant help it. and i dont feel comfortable in myself especially these few months.. really put on dem alot of weight cant take it. so yae i really admire my young self on this note!

10) i had lots of fun
okay i had like NO FREEDOM AT ALL. i didnt actually go out with friends by my own accord till SEC ONE can you imagine AHHAHA. ok but yea i had so much fun in school in church with my grannys neighbour with my cousins and yea... in school we used to play catching EVERY SINGLE MINUTE we had to spare. now everyones just too lazy and tired :(

HAISH i really wanna be young again. my life back then seems so deluded now. its like so innocent and naive and happy go lucky. need to learn from my old self (apart from like... being naughty ungrateful possesive soreloser) HAHAHA actually i was one weird kid okay bye

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